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Customized copper or colored metal awnings can add a touch of beauty and class to the entrance or windows of your home or business. We have a wide range of beautiful awning designs to choose from.

Bronze bell shape awning with metal sides
Bronze bell shape awning with metal sides
Bronze bell shape awning with metal sides
Bronze bell shape awning with metal sides
Copper concave awning with scrolls
Bronze bell shape awning with metal sides
Bronze bell shape awning with metal sides
Bronze bell shape awning with metal sides
Bronze Awning

We invite you to contact us to learn more about any of our products and services.

Our Location:

523 N. University 

Lafayette, LA. 70506

Open 5 days a week:

Monday-Friday 7 AM - 3:30 PM

Contact us:


Thank you for contacting Custom Sheet Metal of LA. We will contact you soon.

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